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Syllabus Fees Prospects BA Hindi with Internship

The BA - Hindi with Internship offers students an excellent opportunity to deepen their knowledge of the Hindi language and culture while gaining practical work experience. This program equips students with essential language skills and prepares them for successful careers in various sectors where Hindi proficiency is valued.

Gain real-world experience Gain work experience

Earn while you learn at Aligarh Muslim University Earn while you learn


Senior Secondary School Certificate (SSC, 10+2), in any stream from any examination board recognized by Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh.

Course Duration:

Minimum 3 years (6 semesters) and Maximum time duration to complete the program - 8 years

Medium of Course:


Medium of Examination:


Annual Fees:

Students in India: INR 13,500 /-

Infrastructure Requirements:

For online programs minimum infrastructure requirement is (I) Laptop/ Desktop with a broadband connection (ii) Smart Phone with a 3G/ 4G Connection.

Course Structure:

Each year consists of 2 semesters

Course code Title of the Course
EN-101 अनिवार्य इंग्रजी
SU-101 अनिवार्य सुन्नी धर्मशास्त्र
SH-101 अनिवार्य शिया धर्मशास्त्र
IM-101 अनिवार्य भारतीय राष्ट्रीय आंदोलन
AU-101 अनिवार्य एडवांस उर्दू
EU-101 अनिवार्य प्राथमिक उर्दू
EH-101 अनिवार्य प्राथमिक हिंदी
HNB-101 कहानी साहित्य
HNB-102 नाटक साहित्य

Note: - Main Subject and Subsidiary Subject cannot be same.

Course code Title of the Course
EN-101 अनिवार्य इंग्रजी
SU-101 अनिवार्य सुन्नी धर्मशास्त्र
SH-101 अनिवार्य शिया धर्मशास्त्र
IM-101 अनिवार्य भारतीय राष्ट्रीय आंदोलन
AU-101 अनिवार्य एडवांस उर्दू
EU-101 अनिवार्य प्राथमिक उर्दू
EH-101 अनिवार्य प्राथमिक हिंदी
HN-103 उपन्यास साहित्य
HN-104 एकांकी-साहित्य
Course code Title of the Course
EN-201 अनिवार्य इंग्रजी
HNB-201 हिन्दी साहित्य का आदिकाल
HNB-202 काव्यशास्त्र
Course code Title of the Course
HNB-201 भक्तिकालीन काव्य
HNB-202 काव्यांग परिचय
Course code Title of the Course
HNB-301 व्यावहारिक हिंदी व्याकरण
HNB-302 हिंदी साहित्येतिहास-लेखन
HNB-303 रीतिकालीन काव्य
HNB-304 आधुनिक कविता (छायावाद तक)
HNB-305 हिंदी आलोचना का विकास
HNB-306 रचनात्मक लेखन
Course code Title of the Course
HNB-307 हिंदी भाषा का विकास
HNB-308 आधुनिक कविता (छायावाद के बाद)
HNB-309 निबंध साहित्य
HNB-310 कथेतर गद्य विधाए
HNB-311 आधुनिक साहित्य-विमश
HNB-312 मीडिया लेखन
HNB-3VV विवा वोस

Fee Structure:

Indian Student

BA - Hindi with Internship 1st Year Fee 2nd Year Fee 3rd Year Fee
Registration cum Application Form 300 - -
Exam Fee 2,000 2,000 2,000
Course Fee 6,500 6,500 6,500
Apprenticeship fee 5,000 5,000 5,000
Annual Fee 13,800 13,500 13,500
Total Fee 40,800